
A Rifts RPG Adventure

Dogtown, is a fictional town situated in central Arkansas. Its population of 1800 people is 80% human.

Adventurers find themselves in an small settlement with a large population of Practitioners of Magic. Being governed by a tribunal of powerful mages, Dogtown hosts a powerful Mage’s Guild. The Guild Master is a Hydra named Kelso.

Being built around a pre-collapse era hospital, it features a large garden at the heart of town. There is a nexus point that dominates the north-western corner of town, located on top of a 400-foot tall mound. Dogtown is welcoming of all, including the supernatural and magical creatures, and boasts a powerful militia of well-trained mages and Techno-Wizard Power Armors. Dogtown is not affiliated with any major Kingdom and has resisted joining either Dweomer or Dunscon’s True Federation of Magic. Consequently, Lazlo, Kingsdale, and Dweomer have an embassy in town and Dunscon has a not-so-secret group of mages who’ve infiltrated the community via the El Oculta. Dunscon has also placed a small contingent of Corrupt in the region to spy and protect his interests.

Dogtown’s main economy is mixed, with a combination of Manufacturing Techno-Wizardry, agriculture, and crude oil extraction. They accept barter/trade and universal credits.

Secretly, a third party has discreetly moved into the area with connections to a Magical Diety.

Missing children has the people of Dogtown panicked.

A series of children have gone missing over the past few weeks. They vanished without a trace. The children are all Mage Apprentices or varying degrees of talent and ability. Their mentor mages are concerned about their sudden disappearances and have mounted several efforts to find them.

Ubys isn’t involved and he doesn’t seem trustworthy enough to know who is.

The town’s authorities have captured an evil Necromancer named Ubys, whom they believe abducted the children. Ubys however, is claiming innocence and the authorities aren’t able to gain any information on the children’s whereabouts from him.

Inspiring rifts RPG storylines and how to use them– If you are new or returning to either the Rifts RPG or tabletop roleplaying games check out this article to learn more about Rifts storylines, how to use them and other articles to start with on the site.

A growing feud between two Black Market’s and a duo of murderous Magebanes.

El Oculta is orbiting a conflict with a detachment of Raiders with the Chicago Network, who themselves have been infiltrated by the Coalition from El Dorado. CS Special Forces Operators are embedded with the group and are pushing for a fight against El Oculta with the hope of destabilizing the region.

All of these details are uncovered in the investigation to find the missing children.

In the end, the children were killed by a Magebane’s Apprentice named Movanye. De’Lizo, an experienced female Magebane, and her apprentice Movanye have moved into the region to hunt known evil Mages and collect bounties.

De’Lizo and Movanye have a run-in with Dunscon’s Corrupt, resulting in a heated battle that begins to draw the attention of other local heroes.

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