Come on Out!

A Rifts RPG Adventure in Japan

Otomo Shogunate Japan, pop: 7.8 million, 65% Japanese Humans, 28% Eta/D-Bees.

Series C (ie: Chugai Bioscience) is a start-up of former employees rolled over from H-Brand. Their project is being financed by the Otomo Shogunate. Their project is to develop a new form of a super soldier to compete against H-Brands Juicers and Cyborgs. Series C Headquarters is situated along the south bank of the Yodo River and comprises 3 floors of the Otomo Institute of Technology Building.

Security is provided by highly trained guards wearing HA-2 Body Armor (A lighter version of HA-4 Hiker Armor with 20 M.D. Armor to Main Body. -5% movement penalty. Guards are armed with Vibro-weapons and H-25 Super Rifles that do 2d6 MD with its laser, 2000 feet. 30-round payload. H-13 Ion Pulse Pistols that do 2d6 MD single, and 6d6 MD multiple burst, with an 800-foot range, and 20-shot payload.) Surveillance includes Biometrics, Facial Recognition, Close-circuit Cameras, and RFID access to Maglocks on all doors. Motion Sensors and Motion activated doors in main corridors and M.D. Ceramic Glass walls and Chromium coated, reinforced compartments with isolation rooms for laboratories.

A Corporate retreat turns deadly for the guests.

A corporate retreat on Awaji Island has a small Sura-Kappa problem. Nothing that the prominent resort can’t handle. They hire mercenaries to hunt down the D-Bees and eliminate them. When in danger, the Sura-Kappa run and hide in the water, using their Ocean Magic to survive. This tactic proves to be effective against the Mercenaries.

Her dedication will get her killed, if she isn’t careful.

Dr. Itoh Kita is a disgraced researcher for Series C who’s been sent to Awaji Island for re-education. She’s been assigned two security guards and is being constantly monitored. Despite being at the rehabilitation resort she spends her waking time working on her project, often being pulled away by organizers to join mandatory training courses. She is obviously a brilliant researcher, but she tends to be forgetful and not very attentive to her surroundings. When it is learned that she is working on a Super-Soldier program for Series C, locals become concerned and interested. There are many in the area who disagree with the unethical practices of Otomo Shogunate and H-Brand and their subsidiaries. Many of the resort’s employees come from Kyoto and believe that technology and the merging of technology and people is an abomination. Many of the Mercenaries also agree and together, the Mercs and resort employees, and surrounding villagers have made a stand against the research of Dr. Itoh Kita.

Inspiring rifts RPG storylines and how to use them– If you are new or returning to either the Rifts RPG or tabletop roleplaying games check out this article to learn more about Rifts storylines, how to use them and other articles to start with on the site.

Oh how quickly everyone turns on you when they think you are in the wrong.

Despite being friendly, and in many cases accommodating, the Mercenaries have shown strong emotions in their beliefs. They wish that Dr. Itoh Kita destroys her research, but she continues to refuse. She sees the research as being pivotal to human flourishing in Japan and that the breakthroughs she and her colleagues are making are revolutionizing the industry. They are minimizing the instabilities inherent with the current super-soldier programs and adding more value and safety to what is already a credible practice. 

As the days progress, the other resort guests grow increasingly more impatient with the siege and will resort to any method at hand to liberate themselves. At first, they will turn their attention to the Mercenaries. But then, as they learn that Dr. Itoh Kita is the cause of their suffering, they will turn their attention and anger toward her.

Against the backdrop, the Sura-Kappa have grown increasingly more aggressive posing a secondary risk to the resort guests and locals.

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