(Tarnow, Poland) New Radlow, a remote fictional village located south of Tarnow in Poland, is nestled amidst the breathtaking Polish Flysch Carpathians. This mountainous region is renowned for its...
Category: Adventure ideas
(The Dinosaur Swamps of Georgia) The adventurers find themselves shaken by a resounding clap that echoes through the sky above the Georgia swamps. Local scouts dismiss it as a common phenomenon...
(Magic Zone, Tennessee) The town of Semmiton stands as a mystical enclave, a Mage Outpost founded by a secretive Magic Guild affiliated with Stormspire. At its heart lies Pafneth Tower, a 18-story...
(Kentucky, Magic Zone) The Fictional Town of Winchester Park is a Dweomer Military Outpost to the east of the City of Magic. Winchester Park features a pre-collapse-era Library at the heart of an...
Dicegazers.com Presents: CS Doorkickers, a CS Military Ops Series Background 21 days ago, a Supernatural Intelligence entered undetected through the Helena Nexus Rift. Having prior...
A Rifts RPG Adventure in England The adventure begins while our adventurers are returning to Somerset by way of Bristol. They come upon the remains of a Hill Beetle, quickly noticing that it's...