Build And Run A Rifts RPG Campaign

Building a campaign for a tabletop roleplaying game can seem overwhelming, often to the point that many people don’t start. In this resource I’d like to give pointers any TTRPG campaign builder can use, with some specific points for Rifts. We’ll cover how to build a campaign, how to introduce players to Rifts, and tips for running a Rifts campaign.

Build And Run A Rifts RPG Campaign

As a GM, we first have to have an idea of what the game is going to be about. We may come up with a cool theme or setting, a villain name or concept. But cool names and settings do not constitute “a game.”

A game is a combination of the situations the players are put up against through the investigation of their daily routine. Player-Characters should by their own nature be ‘Heroes.’ Therefore, players should want to investigate wrong-doings that impact them, their community or a group of people they believe is being preyed upon. They want to be of service. You keep players engaged by uncovering details that lead them to a conclusion.

A GM creates the events and conditions that tell the story of what happened. Your story needs the victim, evidence, suspect, and perpetrator. What makes a game interesting is to add conspiracies and twists that are believable enough for players to accept. You then add challenges that push the players and their characters to help them develop their own story and the meta-story you are trying to engage them in.

How To Introduce People To Rifts

Palladium Rifts was first introduced as a Supernatural, Post-Apocalyptic Survival Game. With limited resources and skills, players are to try and figure out how to survive a harsh environment and confront monsters that are generally immune to common weapons.

Over the years, the game evolved to a high fantasy, science fiction game with conflicting meta-arcs. A GM is given endless entry points into the game, all of which can be considered ‘Canon.’

The easiest path into Rifts is to introduce a simple Mercenary Game where players create Men at Arms Character Classes and the GM puts their players up against a great threat that has overtaken a region and has many lesser minions placed throughout that region. You then introduce victims, chaos, competing forces, and natural disasters to impact the advancement of the players and helps them build their characters and their wealth.

Tips To Run A Rifts Campaign

Players, by their own nature, are reward-motivated. They want access to things they don’t normally have access to. This helps them survive the world you, the GM, have created for them and helps them stand out from the pack.

Rewards can be Credits, Black Market Items, Medical Equipment, Exotic Weapons and Armor, and Magic Items.

When designing a ‘game night’, include random rewards for the players. Make the players find the reward either after or before a confrontation. If before, the rewards reflect something they may need to overcome the conflict. If after, make the rewards something that will help the players advance their characters and explore their own individuality.

Tips for tabletop roleplaying games can be found here and apply to all games.

Other rewards can be contacts and allies that can help protect your player characters. Specialists are those characters who can either repair or enhance weapons and armor. Others can be locals with special knowledge or skills that the players don’t have. Healers, Seers, Guild Members who have access to tomes and archives… Teachers who can teach players new skills or who they can call upon when they are stuck or forced against a wall.

The best games are when the GM listens to the needs of their players and gives them what they want. Promote open-style gaming and the player’s ability to grow and expand their characters.

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