Atlantean Dimensional Exploration Adventure Prophis, the timeless city of grandeur, stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of its forefathers. Nestled amidst rolling hills and lush...
Archives: Blog Presents: CS Doorkickers, a CS Military Ops Series Military Orders Command has lost contact with Col Marwin ‘Draven’ Benney and his squad of Seek and Destroy Mage... Presents: CS Doorkickers, a CS Military Ops Series Background The Vultures of Tolkeen, a notorious group led by Lord Murgesh's son, Bengalu, have reemerged. Mercenary scouts have...
A Rifts RPG Meta-Adventure Game 7 of a Meta-Arc adventure that follows the Rifts canonical timeline. Reference Materials: Rift Vampire Kingdoms, Conversion Book 1, and D-Bees of North...
Suggested order of play for the Meta-Game Adventure Series. The Meta-Story arc for Palladium Rifts begins in 101 pa, where shortly into the beginning of the decade the Juicer Uprising takes parts...
How Tedious Should Survival Be In Tabletop Roleplaying Games
Regardless of what game you play, you will encounter survival situations. I want to tackle this question: "How tedious should survival be in tabletop role-playing games? " You can introduce...