Biel’s Folly

A Rifts RPG Adventure in South America

There is a fictional Mercenary Fort near the New Babylon-controlled territory that houses a few dozen Mercenaries – a blending of three small families of ‘men at arms’ defend the fort. The mercenaries oversee a handful of Oil Drill Rigs that supplies oil to local settlements and privateers. They accept Universal Credits for their oil. Their fort also has a small refinery and is equipped with a machine shop with tools to diagnose and repair power armor and weapons and armor. The mercenaries are equipped with Flying Titans, Samson Power Armors, several Chipwell Light Combat Armors, Assault Suits, and an Angrar Mark II Power Armor. One of their Oil Drills has collapsed into a crevice that was formed from an earthquake 2 years ago. The ground around the crevice is too unstable to move the drill.

A little bit of slavery to help pay the bills.

The Biescas, the main family who control the fort have become very corrupt from the wealth they’ve inherited from the oil. (Also see the Angrar Mark II Power Armor, Mercenaries, p. 141). They’ve recently expanded their business interests to slavery forming an alliance with a band of pirates connected to Kharkon the Undaunted. They aren’t afraid to torture prisoners and engage in organ harvesting, cyber snatching, and human trafficking. Consequently, they predominantly prey upon D-Bees and human mutants for their expanding enterprises.

The Biescas family is joined by the Cubero family and the Ferron family. The Ferron family members are contemplating leaving the fort, not sharing the same attitude towards slavery and the other enterprises recently adopted by the two main families.

Biel is an Adventurer-Hero standing up for victims across South-America.

An Achilles Neo-Human named Biel Diaz has taken an interest in the Fort, seeing them as being a considerable threat in the area, but the government of New Babylon isn’t interested in the evidence he’s provided them. Biel Diaz has taken it upon himself to attack the Fort but failed in his charge. He’s been planning a second raid but has moved towards stripping down the fallen Rig and taking possession of it for his own needs. He’s looking for adventurers willing to help him tear down the rig and salvage the parts. He has hired a local Gaucho who knows of potential spots with capped wells.

Inspiring rifts RPG storylines and how to use them– If you are new or returning to either the Rifts RPG or tabletop roleplaying games check out this article to learn more about Rifts storylines, how to use them and other articles to start with on the site.

Pirates aren’t happy with Biel’s involvement. He has to be silenced.

Pirates connected to Kharkon the Undaunted’s fleet are active in the area. They have connections with the fort and mostly busy themselves with regular raids on a renegade were-jaguar settlement that just happens to be near the collapsed Rig.

The were-jaguars, believing that Biel Diaz and his salvage crew are connected to the pirates will attack. Should it be impressed upon them that the adventurers and Diaz have no connections with the pirates and are inclined to help rescue their abducted family members, the were-jaguars will form a short-term alliance with Diaz and his crew. The pirates have built themselves a small settlement and docks near the water and make their runs from this location. The ships are themselves well-armed, but the settlement is vulnerable to guerrilla attacks. Should the pirates realize that they are losing the constant raids from the adventurers and the were-jaguars, they’ll call the Mercenary Fort for reinforcements.

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