There is a storyline in Rifts that I really like that spans many books. It’s called the minion wars and I wanted to share my thoughts on it and what books are needed, and others that would be helpful additions.

Dimension Book 10 Hades
To start with the start of the Minion Wars is described in Hades (Rifts Dimension Book 10). The Demons of Hades have a plan to conquer their ancient rivals, the Deevils of .. well… Dyval. Demons and Deevils are beings of hatred, cruelty, anger, and all things evil. Deception and misdirection are some common ways they carry out their plans.
This said they have made a lot of plans to deceive and confound all beings throughout the Megaverse. While their plan is to conquer the Deevils they have plans in place to attack countless worlds and places. Some are purely to cause chaos and throw others off their real plans. So many places are being attacked that almost nowhere will come out unscathed. At the very least nearly every place will feel the after-effects of the Minion Wars in one way or another.
Time in regard to the Minion Wars is not a chronological event. Some of the Demons for example that were sent to Earth at the start of it ended up arriving hundreds of years before at the time of the Rifts opening, the Great Cataclysm. This means that while things are really starting at the end of 109, the start of 110 PA, on Rifts Earth it could be thousands and thousands of years ago when things started on another world. Most notably the Palladium World has seen Demons and Deevils attacking each other for an unknown length of time.
Why does timing matter?
The point of bringing this up is that you can use it during games. You could make an adventure in Earth’s past if you wanted or Earth’s extreme future and it could still be part of the Minino Wars. Since the time the Demons left Hades is not directly tied to the year they arrive in another dimension, you could technically spread the Minion Wars out almost endlessly in game terms.
The point here is that time is relative. The details regarding when Demons, or Deevils, left their home dimension and made it to another do not have to be in a specific order. For the purposes of generating adventures and making campaigns speak with your players to see if they’re interested in experiencing a Minion Wars-style series in multiple settings/time periods.
Three-wave attack strategy
The Demons spend a long time but eventually discover 5 locations they can use to invade Dyval. One of the portals is intended mostly as a distraction with 100,000 demons sent. Thousands upon thousands more would be sent to the other 4 as well.
The first wave is to get control of the portals long enough to have millions of demons invade Dyval en masse. The first wave is to secure portals, the second wave is shock troops to soften up the Deevils within Dyval, and the 3rd wave is for a full-scale invasion to conquer it.

Demon Hierarchy
Another aspect of this dimension book is that it breaks down how the Demons led by Modeus have reorganized their forces. Each Demon Lord is required to command at least 30 armies each with 50,000 troops. They are then broken down into different types of squads and mixes of demonic forces, sometimes with mortals as support.
This section is incredibly useful for quickly determining what kind of forces a group could find themselves going against, or trying to get around(Brek-Shell, Soul Catcher, etc), under(Gargoyles, or Locust), or over (Gurgoyles).
Possible adventure points
There is a section titled “War Machine” that describes the way the minion wars will unfold and what kind of fights megaverse-wide will be. It mentions “there will be countless small but important skirmishes erupting across the Megaverse”, and some other mentions of quests for magic, or resources, targeted assaults, etc. These are all great ways that a GM can look through to determine how to craft their own Campaign in this massive megaverse-spanning demon war.
Check my review of Dimension book 10 Hades here

Dimension Book 12 Dimensional Outbreak
Dimension book 12 describes the Demon’s agenda and actions in their goal of taking, or at least using, Phase Worlds portal to Planet Monde, then to Dyval. A city on Phase World is aptly called Center for many reasons.
It is the center of Promethean power, the center of diplomacy for many, the pinnacle of technology, the center of conspiracy, treachery, and more. It is also the center where the Demons plan to unfold a major offensive.
While other areas in the Three Galaxies are being attacked or used as distractions, their focus is to attack Center to use a portal to assist in their Dyval invasion.
What I love about this book is that it has many of the top levels of Center mapped so you know the layout of the super wealthy, the different weapons manufacturers(Naruni, Splugorth, etc), and more. Each level also is described in really good detail including NPCs, Estates, government, and security, plus other things of note.
Lastly, Kotus Point is where the largest demon planet emerges, Cormal Destroyer of Worlds, heralding the invasion of the demon fleet of the Three Galaxies. Primarily it is to distract from the attack on Phase World but if they can conquer other parts of the Three Galaxies they sure will.
Given the setting of the Three Galaxies, you could make characters of immense power and they most likely would be dwarfed by the Jupiter-sized demon planet with tentacles thousands of miles long. The adventures and alliances you would need to create to fight this being are incredibly vast.
Check my review of Dimension book 12 Dimensional Outbreak here
Dimension Book 11 Dyval
Luckily for the Deevils, some anxious Demons prematurely enacted an attack upon Dyval. This blunder gave the Deevils at least 2 months of advance warning which they used to squash the initial invasion of 50,000 forces and prepare for some bigger ones to come. They weren’t entirely sure what but knew it was big.
Dimension book 11 goes into detail about their forces, their hierarchy, and how they are responding to the Minion Wars. Now Deevils are much more sinister and scheming than the Demons but they are not to be underestimated. Though anywhere the two clash, nobody will be safe and collateral damage will occur on a massive scale.
Check my review of Dimension book 11 Dyval here
World Book 35 Megaverse in Flames
Alright now, this book brings things to a personal level for those on or from Rifts Earth. There are a bunch of Hell Lords with the express command of bringing Rifts Earth under Demon control. Not to be outdone the Deevils have their own Overlords leading armies with the orders of disrupting the Demons and bringing them under their control, if possible.
Rifts World Book 35 Megaverse in Flames Review.
Armageddon Unlimited (Heroes Unlimited)
As stated in many places, the Minion War does not just take place on Rifts Earth or the Three Galaxies. It also affects countless other dimensions and worlds. For those that want a slightly more modern setting then you can use the Armageddon Unlimited book as a template for how it would unfold. Or you can play it out in superhero fashion with the other Heroes Unlimited books.
Rifts Coalition States Heroes of Humanity
The Coalition States see themselves as the saviors of humanity and are instrumental in protecting Rifts North America. This book explains their response to the Minion War. It also describes how all factions, even enemies are standing against the common demonic enemy.
If you want to upgrade your men-at-arms characters with special training then this book has a system you can use. It also includes extra Coalition OCCs(occupational character classes), equipment, alliances, and more.

Rifts The Disavowed (when released)
When your existence is live or die, then the means often mean little. Some of the highest echelons within the Coalition States have taken this to heart and put plans into motion known only to them. These men and women are given the directive to save humanity using any means possible, particularly magic.
They go to distant dimensions and other parts of Rifts Earth to gain strategic information and find enemies that conventional means won’t help with. These are operatives that know they are on their own and will never be acknowledged by the Coalition.
Supplement books for the minion wars in space
The previous books are the main books that make up the Minion Wars. The following books will help if you plan on making a game for space adventures.
Rifts Dimension Book 2 Phase world
For space games, there’s no better book to have than Phase World. This dimension book has some of the most fun races, but if you don’t like them it has a race generator. It also describes the city of Center which is arguably the biggest transdimensional city in the megaverse.
Dimension Book 3 Phase World Sourcebook
This book is a companion to the original phase world book with expanded information on some of the factions in the Three Galaxies. More ships, aliens, weapons, armor, etc are just a few of the things to expect within.
A new threat is brought to the Three Galaxies as well. These enemies have solid energy spaceships and fold space. This is a technology that no other faction has.
Dimension Book 3 Phase World Sourcebook review.
Dimension Book 7 Megaverse builder
The megaverse builder has a dimension roll table that is super helpful for making up your own places to explore. If you combine it with Phase World and Anvil Galaxy you can completely create planets and populations for them.
Dimension Book 5 Anvil Galaxy
The anvil galaxy book has a planet generator that is really awesome. I suggest adding the magic level option from the megaverse builder when rolling planets. Dimensions and planets do not have to match their magic levels.
Dimension Book 14 Thundercloud Galaxy
Many notable new races plus information about the Elder Races and the Dominators. For those wanting to make their own monsters then this book has a creation table just for that. It also includes a large list of adventures based on exploring ruins (usually lost civilizations).
Thundercloud Galaxy Dimension Book 14 review.

Dimension Book 13 Fleets of the Three Galaxies
Fleets of the Three Galaxies is all about spaceships. It includes new spaceships from many different factions in the Three Galaxies and a “creating new starship” section.
Supplement books for the minion wars on Rifts Earth
Much of the minion war happens throughout the megaverse, but it all comes down to who gains Rifts Earth. Do the deevils win? Do the Demons win? Do the humans or another faction win? The following books will help you understand what else is going on around the time of the Minion Wars around North America.
Rifts World Book 28 Arzno Vampire Incursion
This book is included for those that want more information about tech-wizard items and a Vampire menace. Somewhere around the year 109 PA a master vampire decides to make a move. How does this affect the surrounding area in regard to the Minon War? Several Hell Lords and Deevil Overlords are relatively close. Can the players use them to help thwart the vampires or vice versa? Do they impact anything or are they just ousted before they do any damage?
World Book 28 Arzno Vampire Incursion review.
Rifts World Book 33 Northern Gun 1
The Minion War is going to require powerful weapons and equipment to fight the oncoming hordes. Particularly if you intend to stand toe to toe with the Demons or Deevils. Rifts World Book 33 Northern Gun 1 provides a large list of robots. Use them to outfit a mercenary company, hire yourself some mercenaries and then go and take back some of the countrysides!
Rifts World Book 34 Northern Gun 2
To fully outfit yourselves for the fights to come you’ll want more body armor, power armor, and other equipment items that this provides. One of the really good items is “The Casket”, it’s like a medical doctor in a box. Rifts World Book 34 Northern Gun 2 is one of my most used books for equipment.
Rifts World Book 30 D-Bees of North America
If you want different racial options than humans then this is the go-to book. Many races from all over Rifts North America are listed within. Some are similar to humans as SDC races, while others are literally dragon-killing races. Rifts World Book 30 is a great reference for all Rifts RPG games you play.
Rifts World Book 16 Federation of Magic
The Federation of Magic is so closely located to the Coalition that not having this book would be a real tragedy. Not a direct book connected to the minion war books above but a great book for magic-using classes to have.
Rifts World Book 14 New West
Almost certainly a required book as much of what the players will be exploring is in the New West. It also has many really fun gun-related classes. Many notable towns are listed that are almost certain to be targeted by the Minion War forces.
Rifts World Book 12 Psyscape
One of the major threats against Rifts Earth is the Alien Intelligence Nxla. It is described in World Book 12 Psyscape and can then be included in the machinations during the Minion War. Also, the psionic classes are awesome (Zapper, Psi-Ghost, and Psi-Tech all the way!).
Rifts World Book 10 Juicer Uprising
Juicers in North America had a bit of a run-in with the Coalition and some alien interlopers. What became of them afterward? Could their force be rebuilt and then instrumental in protecting parts of North America? Many of them could be nearing juicer burn out.. is it possible they could find salvation from gods, demons, deevils, or other forces in the minion war?
Rifts World Book 10 Juicer Uprising is a great option for a Minion War game for many reasons. Other than the adventure ideas listed above, equipment and OCCs are a few reasons. I use this book a lot for equipment, just like I do Merc Ops, and Northern Gun 1.
Dimension Book 15 Secrets of the Atlanteans (and/or Atlantis)
Both Secrets of the Atlanteans and World Book 2 Atlantis give you access to the Atlantean race which is incredibly helpful. The Secrets of the Atlanteans book gives an updated version of the race and additional options so it’s the more useful of the two. However, Atlantis gives information regarding the Splynn Dimensional Market and other storylines going on there so don’t discount its use. Secrets of the Atlanteans have extra OCCs that are great options for a megaverse-spanning game- I’ll let you get the book and find out what they are.
Rifts World Book 3 England
While not part of North America there are some notable entries in World Book 3 England to be aware of. Chiang-ku Dragons and Dimensional Raiders are both mentioned in other books for either the good deeds they strive to do or their selfish ways. Either of these beings could easily be used during this time of conflict in North America. In addition, Millenium trees on Earth are being used to gain access to Dyval. So you could have a short trip to the said tree to go there or to get Millenium items to fight the invaders or other ideas.
Rifts Coalition Manhunters
This is one of the newer books and has some talk within regarding the Minion Wars. For the most part, this book introduces different possibilities for the 7 threats to humanity and new Coalition OCCs plus 50 or so psionics.