The Ashes of Semmiton

(Magic Zone, Tennessee)

The town of Semmiton stands as a mystical enclave, a Mage Outpost founded by a secretive Magic Guild affiliated with Stormspire. At its heart lies Pafneth Tower, a 18-story structure crafted from otherworldly obsidian rock, brought to Rifts Earth through a dimensional Rift. The population of Semmiton consists of humans, D-Bees, and magical beings, coexisting amidst the tower’s imposing presence. Approximately 1200 residents call Semmiton home, and the town thrives on Pafneth Tower, a renowned mage academy where aspiring spellcasters hone their craft. Additionally, small techno-wizard artisans ply their trade, crafting weaponry, armor, and other mystical devices.

The town operates on a barter/trade system and accepts valuable gems and rare metals as payment. A merchant with ties to Goldenage Weaponsmiths facilitates currency trading, converting various forms of currency into Universal Credits. The Immaterial Hand, a notorious smuggling organization, maintains a discreet presence in Semmiton. Led by smuggler Remy Wheeler, they offer transportation services across the magic zone, extending from Lazlo and New Lazlo to Cuidad Juarez and Arzno.

Governance in Semmiton is overseen by the Mages Guild, with a city council comprised exclusively of guild members. The council operates under the guidance of a Tribunal, consisting of influential mages who represent the guild’s interests.

The Town of Semmiton, Tennessee

Secrets Unearthed

Kira Bissett, a skilled Psi Warrior from Psyscape, arrives in Semmiton on a personal mission to track down the nefarious Soul Harvester, Magena Opal. While investigating a potential crime scene, Kira stumbles upon a haunting discovery—a mass grave containing the bodies of both humans and D-Bees. Strangely, these victims do not bear the ritualistic marks typically associated with Soul Harvesters. Determined to uncover the truth, Kira retrieves a pocket watch from the grave, revealing the name Talon Monroe—a mysterious figure whose connection to the crime becomes her new focus.

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Pursuit of Shadows

As Kira attempts to notify the local authorities and involve them in the investigation, progress comes to a frustrating halt. She soon finds herself stalked by an elusive androgynous figure named Seren Crowley, a Nega-Psychic mercenary capable of eluding Kira’s psychic abilities. Unbeknownst to Kira, Seren works for a group known as “The Ashes,” led by the enigmatic businessman Deamonne “Mr. Diamond” Ridley. This cult-like group, with connections to the notorious Dragonwright, seeks to recruit new members and has been involved in the sacrificial rituals responsible for the mass grave. Kira’s pursuit of the truth becomes further complicated as she navigates the machinations of Seren and his secretive employers.

Kira Ridley Seren Crowley

Talon Monroe, the victim, was an intrepid Relic Hunter who specialized in exploring the remnants of ancient cities, unearthing long-lost artifacts that once belonged to secretive churches and enigmatic secret societies. During his expeditions, he came across a remarkable discovery mentioned in his personal notebook – the Amulet of Illumination. This amulet, with its origins shrouded in mystery, is believed to possess extraordinary powers and is intricately linked to an ancient secret society known as The Echelon. In his notes, Talon refers to a local authority on prehistoric cultures, secret societies, and the occult named Mr. Diamond, who appears to have significant knowledge about the amulet and its connections.

“Lux Lucis Occulta” (Light in Hidden Darkness)

Unveiling the Cult

As Kira races against time to solve the mystery, she uncovers the true nature of “The Ashes” and their diabolical intentions. Mr. Diamond and his inner circle, all members of the Mages Guild and practitioners of magic, face dire consequences if they fail to initiate new members into their cult. Their dark lord Kethe, an evil Adult Thunder Lizard, demands obedience and sacrifices from “The Ashes.”

With lives hanging in the balance, Kira must confront the cult and unveil their heinous plans, bringing an end to the reign of shadows over Semmiton.

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