A Touch of Madness (Trapped part 2)

Reference Material: Rifts Ultimate Edition, Rifts Mercenaries, Vampire Kingdoms and D-Bees of North America.

Starting in El Paso

Delgardo and The Dreamer return to El Paso with Rey McCoy in custody. They have with them a few prominent members of Sunshine with them; Luna Hermann and Pastor Cino Bur. They are demanding that McCoy be tried and executed for his crimes and betrayal.

The magistrate of El Paso puts out a call for more testimonies from other potential victims. He’s given McCoy 14 days until his trial and orders him to be placed in prison as he awaits trial.

Zippo and Lady Arson remain in Sunshine for the duration, until the completion of the trial. Meanwhile, Mayor Keeler is putting out job notices for a new Sheriff and Deputies.

The prison containing McCoy is attacked 2 days later. The intruders are killed before they are able to free McCoy, and additional security is ordered. The intruders are a human Master Thief and a D’norr Devilman Super Spy. But there is a third that entered with them, a Phlebus Conjurer who disguises himself as an inmate.

More chaos in Sunshine

A Wired Slinger named Chomoco appears in Sunshine, applying for the job of Sheriff. Lady Arson and Zippo can recognize that something’s off with Chomoco, but Mayor Keeler is quick to offer him a job. Two days later, a band of Highwaymen enters Sunshine with guns blazing. They shoot to injure and cause property damage. Chomoco is able to shoot and kill one of the Highwaymen Bandits and wounding two others.

The next night, a pack of dogs circle Sunshine and howl continuously through the night, aggravating the locals. The following morning, two citizens are found dead in the streets. Zippo, Lady Arson, and Chomoco investigate the murders, all showing signs of another vampire attack.

The murders continue until it is discovered that one of the Highwaymen’s Bodies is possessed by a Dybbuk. The Dybbuk’s objective is to create the appearance of another vampire attack in Sunshine and to damage or destroy Zippo’s and Lady Arson’s communications.

On the same day that the Dybbuk is neutralized, Lightdancer and Lt. Paul Konrad arrive to help with the investigation. Being assured that the Dybbuk has been captured and/or destroyed, Lightdancer and Konrad return to El Paso.

That night, a second ‘Secondary Vampire’ named Lucca arrives along with all the Highwaymen now turned into wild vampires. They begin the attacks on Sunshine’s residents in force. Their aim is to make as many wild vampires as possible before sufficient resistance against them is mounted.

Lucca is equipped with a Sceptre of Command, but a precursor to the Techno-Wizard device fabricated in Stormspire. His Sceptre allows him to summon and control 2d6 canines and animate and control the dead, and command. He also uses it as a bludgeoning weapon. The weapon is powered by a siphon entity that allows him to activate the spells.

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Doc Reid orders a stand-down of his Rangers

Doctor Reid eventually learns ‘that night’ about the vampire attack on Sunshine. Knowing that once again DemonBusters, Inc. has insisted themselves into his territory of Vampire Hunting, he decides to do nothing to help those mercenaries in Sunshine. He also refuses to send word to General Smith.

The Rangers, under Sir Lazarious stand down, but Carlotta herself isn’t willing to sit there and do nothing.

When no one is looking, she retrieves the necessary vampire hunting equipment to help and sneaks out toward Sunshine. She will not refuse any assistance from anyone willing to join her.

Sir Lazarious offers to shadow the DemonBusters leadership to prevent them from learning of the attack on Sunshine, should anyone from Doc Reid’s Rangers attempt to leak it.

Chomoco is a minion of the Master Vampire attacking Sunshine. His objectives are to spy on potential protectors who attempt to resist and repel the vampire attacks. He’s also to spy on the town’s clergy and if possible, assassinate them. Pastor Bur is in El Paso, and Chomoco hasn’t met him yet. But he has identified and communicated to Lucca the identities of Bur’s wife and family.

His final objective is to insert himself among the protectors of Sunshine, and should they prove effective in countering the vampire attacks, he’s to neutralize the more effective leaders and then flee to a new location.

Should the remaining DemonBusters and Carlotta and the adventurers require help, none will be offered by Doc Reid or his Rangers. The only aid possible can only be from DemonBursters, Inc. They will be delayed by the bully tactics of Sir Lazarious as he challenges Delgardo to a fight. Delgardo is a Dragon Hatchling working with the DemonBusters.

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