17 Reasons Why Gamers Should Love Rifts RPG

Whether you like fantasy, magic, technology, horror or any other genre of tabletop roleplaying game, there is something for you to love in Palladium Rifts. It is an RPG that is often underrated or given a bad rep for the rules, but we think you should consider it and give it more love. It may not have name recognition like Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or others, it will surprise you for many reasons. Here is a list of reasons we think you will like Rifts.

1. A Rich and Unique Setting

Rifts RPG is set 400 years after a tragic event on Earth sent magical energy into a ley line nexus that brought about the apocalypse. With earthquakes, volcanic erruptions and the like destroying the world it was ripe for invasion of monsters, aliens, demons and more as they came out of dimensional portals. Earths population dropped drastically though we survived due to our high technological levels and the introduction of magic and psionics. These elements offer a wide range of options and possibilities both for characters and for game masters to create fantastic adventures with.

2. A Multidimensional Universe

Players can travel across the planet using magical portals, and to other dimensions as well. Each place they go is unique with its own avenues of adventure and exploration. A great example are the ruins of Atlantis that came back during the initial magical Rifts, though it was inhabited by some of the worst enemies the Atlanteans have ever known: the Splugorth.

This is just one kind of dimensional experience players can have. You can create your own set of dimensions to explore using the Megaverse Builder and other books with roll tables designed specifically for those purposes.

3. Mixing Fantasy and Science Fiction

The Rifts universe is a unique blend of science fiction with traditional fantasy elements and its own compelling story. If you are someone that likes playing psychic classes it has that. If you want to play a gun toting cyborg, there’s that too. Of course there is also the traditional mage(with their own unique Rifts twist of course).

4. An Open World for Exploration

Rifts is probably the most open world RPG you can play. With the coming of the Rifts the world wide population dropped extremely low. North America at present have roughly 400 million people, Canada has about 30 million. Imagine all the room you would have if Canadas population was all there was in Norht America, thats the kind of population change we are talking about.

With the introduction of of mosters and alien races you could even have underground cities as well. Goblins and elementals are just a few examples of races that could be digging deep in the earth creating areas for life to take refuge. What other RPG has anywhere close to the level of exploration options available as Rifts does… I cant think of any.

5. Customizable Character Creation

With the vast number of skills, equipment, and psioncs you can all play the same class and make a vastly different character. In addition there are so many playable races that expand the options even more.

Innovative Character Creation System

The Rifts character creation system takes a while to fully flesh out a character but no other game system is as fulfilling to use. When you are done making a Rifts character you will really feel connected to it with the use of the “Fleshing your character out” section in the Rifts Ultimate edition.

Distinctive Races and Classes

I have never seen so many classes and races to play as there are in Rifts RPG. Races ranging from standard human to dragons, faeries, demons, superheroes and more. There are almost as many player character classes as there are races to choose from as well. From the Coalition Grunt, to the Phase Mystic, choose your preferred playstyle.

6. Versatile Gameplay Mechanics

Rifts RPG has many gameplay mechanics that blends combat and roleplaying. Depending on your character who may be the stealthy type using sniper or the brute using power attack, there’s an option for you.

7. No tank, healer, dps meta

Rifts does not adhere to the standard tank, healer, and dps party formation that many other game systems are designed for. Instead you can create characters that you like, and play them with other like minded players.

8. Dragons as standard player characters

First off.. what other reason do you need to play Rifts RPG.. none! Seriously though, the power scale in the Rifts RPG when looked at as a whole brings playing dragons to be no different than playing a simple city dwelling scientist. No matter what you decide to play, game masters can easily incorporate them (though many groups decide to play games as “all adventurerers” or “all super heroes” and the like because it helps simplify game design for GMs).

9. Options for Players of All Styles

With all the different races and classes there are options for all playstyles. If you want to create a city game, thats no problem at all, play City Rats. On the other hand if you want to play superman like characters then there are nearly endless options for that too, and anything in between. This limitless character options makes every game session different even if you play the same character.

Just add psionics to your character and its fresh and new. Give just a few minor superpowers and it goes from being a low tier adventurer to a mid tier powerhouse. These are just a few options available to open minded players and game master alike.

10. Endless Storytelling Opportunities

So many supplemental books have been released that finding storytelling options is a thing of the past. While in other games you may feel limited in storylines to share, Rifts RPG just doesn’t have that problem.

You could make a storyline about the Vampires of Mexico, the Splugorth or the Intruders of Phase World. Then you could jump back to the Coalition or Magic Zone threats like The Harvester who are stealing peoples souls.

Opportunities for Epic and Memorable Adventures

You can create entire dimensions to explore in the Rifts RPG. They can be completely separate from Rifts Earth if desired, or you can crossover easily. Whether battling huge monsters, exploring “empty” ruins, the Rifts system has possibilities no other game system does.

11. A Multitude of Supplemental Materials

Rifts RPG breaks down their supplemental materials in five main ways. 1. Conversion books give information on how to incorporate other game systems from Palladium books into Rifts. 2. Source books go to the heart of some major plots taking place on Rifts Earth. 3. Dimension books talk about other dimensions (sometimes a duck is actually a duck- I Know hard to believe). 4. World books are expansion material for very specific areas across the world including factions, classes, races, etc. 5. Reference books are more for game master reference like the Game Master Guide, Adventure Guide, and Black Market. Some also have info for players but its usually best used for equipment like Merc Ops.

12. Plenty to gripe about

We live in a day and age where people like to complain about everything. Well because Rifts was first written in the 1990s and has had dozens of books written since by multiple authors there are inconsistencies. So for those of you that want to talk crap about how it “should be” or “how this would be better if…”, well there’s plenty of that. The authors aren’t perfect and we can all find things that don’t make sense. (this reason is intended as a joke making light of how often I’ve done it and seen others do it).

13. A Loyal Fan Base

Few game systems can boat a fan base as loyal as Rifts RPG players. Those that really get into Rifts love it and have a hard time going back to playing other “lesser” feeling games. The reason for this is due to the expansive setting available and the limitless options for adventure, character creation, and more. The game company has gone through some troubling times and the fans have come together to help them out to continue the fantastic game system.

A Dedicated and Supportive Community

Beyond the size of its fanbase, the Rifts community is also known for being welcoming and supportive. Whether you are a seasoned player or a newcomer, there are plenty of resources and forums available to help you get started and stay engaged. From social media groups to online forums, the community is always willing to lend a hand and share their knowledge and experiences.

Passionate and Creative Player Base

One of the best things about Rifts RPG is the level of creative freedom it offers players. The game’s world is vast and rich in detail, providing players with ample opportunities to craft unique characters and stories. Fans have taken this freedom to heart, creating elaborate backstories and in-depth campaign worlds that add to the game’s overall lore.

14. A Supportive and Accessible Developer

Palladium Books, the developer behind Rifts RPG, has always been supportive of its fanbase. The company regularly engages with fans on social media and forums, answering questions and addressing concerns. Moreover, Palladium Books has made the game accessible through various means, from its online store to partnerships with third-party sellers. This accessibility has helped to ensure that fans can easily get their hands on the game’s core rulebook and supplemental materials.

15. Continual Support and Development

Rifts RPG has a legacy of consistent development that has kept the game fresh for over 30 years. This commitment to ongoing support has led to a game that is continually evolving and adapting to its fanbase’s needs and desires.

Consistent Development

Palladium Books has continued to release new content for the game, from new character classes and races to entirely new settings and worlds. As a result, the game has remained relevant and exciting for fans of all experience levels.

Responsive and Proactive Developer Communication

If you haven’t taken the time to look at the Palladium Books forumns I highly recommend it. With a question and answer section it is a great way to get a better understanding of how the game works (if things get confusing). In addition many people post game, character, race, and many other ideas on them. Not only that, the feedback from those at Palladium Books is top notch.

16. Unmatched Creative Freedom

Depending on the type of game you want to play, there is most likely a setting within Rifts Earth that can host it already. For those that need something different there are roll tables that can help you make up entirely new areas to facilitate whatever idea it is you have.

A Playground for Creative Minds

The game’s setting and lore offer endless opportunities for players to create unique and engaging characters and stories. From magic-wielding techno-wizards to alien refugees trying to find a new home on Earth, the game’s world is teeming with possibilities.

Limitless Opportunities for Imagination

The game’s setting is vast and complex, with countless dimensions, realms, and worlds waiting to be explored. This provides players with limitless opportunities to use their imagination and create engaging campaigns and adventures.

A Canvas for Unique Stories and Characters

Rifts RPG’s world is diverse and complex, offering players ample opportunities to craft unique and engaging characters and stories. The game’s lore provides players with a rich tapestry of history, politics, and culture to draw from, making it the perfect platform for those looking to create engaging stories and characters.

17. A Historical Legacy in Roleplaying Games

Finally, Rifts RPG has a historical legacy in roleplaying games that is not to be ignored. The game has influenced the RPG genre and popular media, and its impact is still being felt today.

The Roots of Modern RPGs

Rifts RPG is one of the pioneers of modern RPGs. Its rich setting and complex rule system have influenced countless games since its release in the 1990s. The game’s unique blend of fantasy, sci-fi, and horror has made it a lasting favorite of gamers worldwide.

The Implications for Modern Gaming

As gaming continues to evolve and grow, Rifts RPG will undoubtedly continue to be a force to be reckoned with, inspiring new gamers and developers for years to come.

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